The objectives of the company are:
- To carry on the trade or business of comprehensive Travel Services in all its ramifications and descriptions and deal in all articles, substances and things commonly or conveniently used in, or for same and to carry out all such operations and transactions as are incidental thereto.
- To carry on the business of Travel Agents, contractors, allied services, to facilitate travelling within and outside Nigeria, to provide for tourists and travellers or promote the provision of conveniences of all kinds in the way of Tickets, Visas, Circular Tickets, Theatre Ticketing, Sleeping Cars or Berths, Reserved Places, Cars Hire Service, Hotel and Lodging Accommodation, Tourists Guides, Safe Deposits, Air Ticketing, Enquiry Bureaux, Libraries, Lavatories, Reading Rooms, Baggage Transport and otherwise and representative of Air lines.
- To carry on the business of Freight Services in all its ramifications and to act as Commission Agents for Freight Services, Forwarding and Clearing of goods of all descriptions by sea, air, rail or road.
- To carry on the Business As Bonded Warehousemen, Bailees, Common Carriers, Private Car Hire Proprietors, Organisers Of Conferences, Trade Exhibitions, Coach Tours, Pilgrimages And Excursions, Air Charter, Operations Of Tourist Buses, General Tourism within and outside Nigeria and to carry on any other transport business of all descriptions and to establish transport stations for the purpose of carrying on the business.
- To carry on the business of Comprehensive Travel Services including but not limited to Travel Agents, Tourist Guide, Tourist Agent and Contractors, Travel Bureau, Booking Office, Aircraft And Ship owners and characters, agents for operators of air, land and sea or inland waterways carriage undertakings, and transport owners and hirers, and to construct or acquire the necessary offices or buildings for such businesses.
- To operate package holiday to any part of the world and to liaise with various tour operators all over the world on similar holiday projects.
- To engage in hotel development and provision of holiday resorts and amusement parks etc.
- To operate scheduled and non-scheduled passenger air flight and air-cargo services both on local and international routes in any part of the world.
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